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Minutes and Finances

May 4th 2016 Minutes

Below is the complete financial report of the Shrewsbury Community Association. As an unincorporated community group, we produce these reports solely in the interest of transparency and community service.
Below are links to the 2014 finances and bank statements.

The 2014 Financial Report.

2012/13 Audit

Complete Bank Records July 31st 2013 to Mar 31 2014
LINK to this Document

Complete Bank Records to July 26th, 2013
LINK to this Document

All of our Finances shall conform to the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada;

A Guide to Financial Statements of Not-For-Profit Organizations

This shall serve as a procedural guide for the preparation and review of financial reports of the Shrewsbury Community Association



 Hodge Podge Finances July 13, 2013

Income Sources amount     Expenses    amount

Food Sales    $720.00       Food Garry H   $51.89
50/50 draw    $154.00       Food Mark L    $200.68
Craft Raffle    $163.00        Trophies            $89.11
Registration    $142.50        News AD        $72.09
Raffle             $87.00          Copies              $6.33
                                           frames              $8.48
                                           Copies             $13.21

TOTALS         $1266.50                          $441.79

Profits                  $824.71

Bank Deposit      $1275.00



Crappie Tournament, May 4th, 2013

50 Adults, 30 Youth
$380.00 worth of donated prizes
Income Sources            Amount              Expenses           Amount
 Registration Fees          $815.00               Prizes                 $380.00
Food Sales, + Raffle      $149.00               Newspaper AD   $48.59
                                                                 Food                   $78.62

TOTALS                       $964.00                                         $127.21

Profits 836.79
Bank Deposit,             $837.00                      




General Meeting, February 6th, 2013

Firstly, we would like to welcome Frank Pullen as our newest board member and welcome back Pastor Johnny Washington from his resignation and subsequent reinstatement by Darrell Shadd.
Secretary, Terry Lynn Murphy read the Meeting Minutes and Treasurer Ken Bell gave a financial report.
Next, guest speaker, Brenda Koldyk, from CK police services spoke on the topic of the former Shrewsbury Neighborhood Watch. She gave an informative, entertaining and thoughtful presentation, which we all appreciated. A couple of key points she made were that people should not act as police officers when witnessing a suspected crime, ie. Don't chase other people with your car!. During that time the issue of failure to stop at STOP signs was addressed. One woman, while walking her dog had to get off of the road to avoid being hit by a Municipal Salt Truck.
Also, two members from the Chatham Kent community Strategic Planning Committee  Marlee Robinson and Lance Merideth, gave a short presentation on what their group does and how they can help the Association. From Marlee's presentation, "We remind council and administration that there IS a strategic plan".
The elements of of the official plan are Health, Economy, Environment, Culture, Civic Engagement and Learning.
Here's the link to the Community Strategic Planning Committee
Next, our newest Board member, Frank Pullen presented his recommendation that all future meetings of the Shrewsbury Community Association must be held at the Baptist Church, so as to avoid confusion. Mary Shadd presented two sets of choices to the 30 or so gathered:
1) Shall we have all our meetings in one place, yes or no?, Show of hands
2) Would you like that place to be here, in the church, yes or no? Show of hands
Both offers were met with what appeared to be, a majority show of hands.

Next Darrell spoke about the necessity of a Drainage Plan for Shrewsbury and told the gathered about an upcoming meeting between Board members, City Councillors and Administration.
Terry Lynn Murphy then presented the idea of a flowered rock garden around the Community Information Sign.
Mary Shadd gave an update of the Community Partnership Fund application.
Next, President Darrell Shadd referred a list of property standards violations he had received from the municipality. (FYI, these lists refer only to open or closed cases and list lot numbers and violations, no names. If someone wants this information it's publicly available from the municipality through a "Freedom of Information" request.)
Ken Bell answered a members question regarding the difference between the Shrewsbury Community Association and the Shrewsbury and Raglan Assembly, both of which he fills executive positions.
The meeting concluded with discussion about street lights. Some feel its necessary for safety, others consider it light pollution. It was mentioned that this had been brought before the community a few years ago and rejected.
The next meeting date was set for April 3rd.

July 18, 2012

Wednesday, March 7th, 2012

Wednesday, January 11th, 2012

Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

Tuesday, December 13th, 2011

Wednesday, December 7th, 2011

Wednesday, November 30th, 2011

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

Wednesday, November 9th, 2011

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011